Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by Dave_Skinner
Rosendale is JUST FINE where he is, IN CONGRESS, rabble rousing. He should have won against Tester, but the GOP establishment didn't want a hellion in that seat, and Matt definitely has some rough edges, social conservatism that at least rubs this Montana sortalibertarian the wrong way pretty hard. I know some pretty darn solid conservatives who pretty much feel Rosendale is "better" than Tester but I'd like more, with a lot less of the hard "social conservative" stuff.

In the meantime, the ads running show that Sheehy terrorizes the national Left. He is, at least now, more "electable." His ranch is bigger than Rosendale's, his accent is not Maryland, his aviation firm is a bright spot in the economy (and a cool business)....

So, there's a federal PAC that popped up out of nowhere and the treasurer is Dave Lewis.


Again, kids, I wish you'd diss John Burns less. He's right about getting off the couch and getting out your wallet.

What are Rosendale’s “rough social conservative “ issues that rub you and your buddies the wrong way?

Burns is a liar and piece of shît and has earned every negative post aimed his way.

If we can’t police “our own” we’re no better than the left that use turds like Tester to forward their agenda.

Rosendale's rough edges are that he is unabashedly conservative. Works really well in the eastern 2/3s of the state. But when you add in BZN, Butte, Missoula etc., he becomes an easy target.

That combined with his accent and they will skewer him again for not being born here.

My take on Sheehy selling his past as a seal is that it is harder to attack him for not being from Montana.

Now they are attacking him for being successful and becoming wealthy before entering the public sector.

I think Rosendale is perfect where he is. His seat is a sure thing. If he runs against Tester again, the likes of culldum and other dipschit bha swallowers of the green decoy crap will make it hard for Matt.

I am with you on Zinke's performance since being elected to the house. He is better than a d, but not much more. Certainly won't be packing any real conservative water for the cause.

Montana MOFO