Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
If you are going to do a kit, may I suggest a size that could be assembled on various sized (decent size) flatbed trailers for those wanting to beat the tax man.

The structure ("kit") will ship on a bumper-pull trailer.

The kit will will be 8 basic parts:

1) Four columns pre-mortised for the beams (columns will be 11" x 11" x 10 feet tall (12' tall for and extra $500)

2) Two 6"x19" beams (blind tenoned). 20' long with 8" tenons on each end.

3) Two 6"x19" beams (2' pass-thru tenoned). 24' long total.

Everything is pre-finished SYP.

Structural loading has about a 2,000% safety factor.

Walls will be SIPS (made to order as an upgrade)... OR stick build your own.

Trusses from 84 Lumber etc. are the responsibility of the owner/installer... OR custom trusses/roofing as an add-on.

The only reason I put up the Fakebook pic grab is so folks can kinda sorta see what our CGI guy will eventually render from a basic structural shell I am building now. Sorry if that confused anyone.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.