Originally Posted by CashisKing
Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
If you are going to do a kit, may I suggest a size that could be assembled on various sized (decent size) flatbed trailers for those wanting to beat the tax man.

The structure ("kit") will ship on a bumper-pull trailer.

The kit will will be 8 basic parts:

1) Four columns per mortised for the beams (columns will be 11" x 11" x 10 feet tall (12' tall for and extra $500)

2) Two 6"x19" beams (blind tenoned). 20' long with 8" tenons on each end.

3) Two 6"x19" beams (2' pass-thru tenoned). 24' long total.

Everything is pre-finished SYP.

Structural loading has about a 2,000% safety factor.

Walls will be SIPS (made to order as an upgrade)... OR stick build your own.

Trusses from 84 Lumber etc. are the responsibility of the owner/installer... OR custom trusses/roofing as an add-on.

The only reason I put up the Fakebook pic grab is so folks can kinda sorta see what our CGI guy will eventually render from a basic structural shell I am building now. Sorry if that confused anyone.

You will make BANK whenever this comes to fruition.