Originally Posted by Pat85
Originally Posted by erikj
Originally Posted by akrange
Originally Posted by Seafire
Why are so many people and especially politicians, in such a hurry to get into a war. Our own government " leaders" won't even stop the invasion of our nation, that they help occur.... i.e. the Mexican border.

Our economy sucks, Biden has the dollar worth 39 cents compared to what it was under Trump... but yet wants to send weapons overseas, paid for by the public's tax dollars. While they busily want us to buy fuel from our enemies while we have so much our nation is sitting on, under our own soil and charge us $4 and $5 a gallon here on the west coast, with the excuse that they are saving the environment by going green... that cost the average household half the income they have left, after the government takes away the first half or more in taxation.

They take away cheap sources of power and energy, and replace it with much more expensive replacement, when they don't even have the grid to replace what they are busy destroying....

and while they are doing ALL of this, they are itching for a war with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. How many of our citizens, while be killed on our own land, and how many of our youth will be sent off to war to die on foreign soil?

And no one sees anything going wrong with this scenario? What could go wrong with DemocRATS running this entire operation.. especially with the Stupid Idiots in the White House... who got there by cheating American voters in the first place.

Sure we need another war... as that makes the democRATS think, it will take the Average Americans Attention away on how they are screwing us in the ass on the home front. Same old song, that they tell us is just a different tune.

What do we get by going to war against anyone? NOthing but death doom and destruction, and the killing of our citizens and our youth.

Pretty Simple

We’re on the Verge of a Terrible Economic Disaster

The Printing Press has Run it’s Course

The Federal Heb Dominated Financial Structure is about to cum tumbling Down ..

The Banks are insolvent and can’t buy enough of our Treasury Debt and the Federal Reserve can’t buy it All .

The Last Treasury Auctions were an Ominous Indicator..

Interest on the Debt is Skyrocketing

Even Ted Curse knows this in fact they all know this

War is a Natural Antibiotic when the Wicked and the Thieves have gone to Far ..

After 52 Card Pick Up is Next
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I've heard this since the 80's.

There wasn’t a run to replace the dollar as the world currency like there is now.

So other countries buying oil in currencies other than USD will be the proverbial straw?


If you work 40 hrs/wk: at 5% inflation and after 5 years, you need a 28% pay raise or to work 44 more hours (*one full extra week* per month+) to make up the difference.

This is inflation