Originally Posted by Swifty52
Originally Posted by jackmountain
I’m sure there’s lines of white Americans lining up to work on the slaughter floor ankle deep in chicken [bleep], blood and guts 8 hrs a day 6 days a week for $20/hr….

How many people on here pay someone else to mow their yard? Change their oil? Clean their home? Wash their car?

We are a civilization at the end of a very historically predictable cycle. The generation that has known nothing but wealth and entitlement and has lost the ability/desire to perform tasks they deem menial.

Obviously you have never worked a chicken or turkey plant. Its all automated and there isnt blood, guts and chicken sh*t on the floor.

I live in the turkey capitol of America. Never worked for one, but been through them looking at construction projects.
Fugkin nasty smell and working conditions.
Americans ain’t lining up to work in one.