[Linked Image] Reefs? We don't even have a pebble! The only obsticles we nave are tree stumps, and no they're not marked! There are to many, and fluctuating water levels make them impossimble to mark. Just picture a submerged forest, with the trees broken off at water level by hurricanes.
Flourocarbon is actually not fine or strong, but it is almost invisible. Our water is pretty clear, because of the vegetation, and is fished HARD. The flourocarbon helps. A surgeons knot is probably the most commonly used knot to tie leader material to main line, It (and others) will pass through the eyes easily. It really helps! Here's a typical picture of Toledo bend when the water is low. Not a very popular lake with water skiers! I bet your place is lot better to look at.

The only thing worse than a liberal is a liberal that thinks they're a conservative.