Originally Posted by Foxbat
I'm game. Tell me what part of Obama's domestic and foreign policy you look forward to. Specific policy changes, not just the ambiguous, generic, feel good stuff the masses have been passing around.
FB, you and I have gone round and round on this one, but I'll play along.

Energy (deja-vu all over again???) with the exception of no domestic drilling and nuclear, I think Obama's energy plan is the first realistic plan to come along in a long time. Bush started the ball rolling with the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and then watered it down with the 2007 version. Obama's plan is solid with the exception of nuclear and domestic drilling. Even without those two, his investment in alternative energy resources (non-alternative needs no investment, they work), is excellent.

On foreign policy:

Negotiating with Iran: For the past 30 years we have taken a hard line with Iran and it has netted us dick. Negotiating can't hurt...really, it can't.

Missile shield in Eastern Europe: Stupid waste of resources. Missile shield...good idea. Eastern Europe, against Russia, where MAD has worked for 55 years; big waste of money. Russia gets it, play with us and we'll level you back to the stone ages.

Now, spend that money placing a missile shield in Israel, Japan, South Korea and India...now you're talking most bang for the buck. Eastern Europe is the least bang for the buck. Russia knows and respects our Boomers and Bombers.