I stick with short, fat cigars as I don't have two hours to smoke one. I also like the flavor of Central American cigars over that of Dominican Republic cigars, except perhaps the Bauza Robusto.

Astral Besos
Baccarat Rothschild
Don Tomas Clasico Rothchild (my main smoke)
Helix X550 Robusto
Hoyo de Monterrey Rothchild
Indian Tabac Cameroon Legend Robusto Grande
Joya De Nicaragua Antano Consul
Punch Rothchild Natural
Puros Indios Rothchild
Te Amo Robusto

If I have more time, for me there is nothing like a Padron 6000 or Te Amo Toro.

You learn something new everyday whether you want to or not.