I'm stationed in New Mexico and have found the hunting to be the one redeeming characteristic of living here. It certainly is frustrating not being about to go out and buy a deer license (or five) over the counter like back in MN but by applying for everything that moves I've been able to do a lot of hunting. Last year i was able to get a pronghorn tag (Military only hunt), archery mule deer in zone 34, depredation oryx hunt on McGregor range, and javelina. This year I drew barbary sheep, pronghorn (military only again) and javelina and my friend who has never applied drew archery elk in 34, rifle deer in 34, and javelina and my dad drew a muzzleloader elk tag in 34. I think the key is to look at the odds and choose wisely. I also pick two hunts I really want and then pick a high probability hunt for the third. Another good strategy is to pick up bow or muzzleloader hunting to give yourself better odds. But I'd rather hunt just about anything then nothing at all.