Originally Posted by Sprint11
You have no basis for complaining on that note because you CHOOSE to pay more.

I respectfully disagree. I certainly do have every right to complain about the cost. I chose to pay more, but I don't have to like it! We're still a democratic republic, aren't we? I know our president is trying his best to change that, but I don't think we're quite there...

Originally Posted by Sprint11
Teaching a young person to hunt is very important to continue with our way of life, but that doesn't mean we have to take them on the most expensive hunt!

Thirty years ago, elk hunting was not an expensive hunt. It's only recently become expensive. I'm also not talking about children - I'm talking about young adults. I have young co-workers that would love to try elk hunting, but they flat out can't afford it. Thirty years ago, that was not the case. Why do we accept it now?

Originally Posted by Sprint11
A resident pays state taxes that support the habitat which in the long run most likely add up to more than a NR tag, a non resident doesn't, hence the difference in prices.

NM GMU 16B is nearly 100% federal land, as is a good portion of elk habitat in the west. What about the (excessive) taxes I pay to Uncle Sam? Don't they count, too? I'm all for the federal government staying out of the states' business, but when the land is owned by the feds, the state residents are not the only ones footing the bills...

Originally Posted by Sprint11
Just my opinion

And I respect your opinion. I just happen to disagree with it. wink

Originally Posted by Sprint11
P.S. If you need a note for your wife (or some pictures of the unit to convince her it realli IS worth it) let me know!

LOL - Somehow, I don't think a note or pictures will help. She just doesn't "get it" when it comes to my obsession with hunting. She puts up with it, but she'll complain that it's too much money!
