At one time I had a Remington 40X Custom Shop Sporter that was very accurate and mounted on top was one of the Shepherd 3.5-10x40 range finding scopes calibrated all the way out to 500 yards.

At the time the longest range available to me was 300 yards but hitting a silhouette target 5/5 in the body was not very difficult if the wind wasn't blowing too hard. On a dead calm day you could do heard shots, maybe 3/5, most of the time.

I posted this over on the old and was called a bald face liar by one of the members over there. Turned out after I told him who I was and where I shot he was an acquaintance who was on the Board of Directors where I was a member. After he came down and shot the gun, hitting the silhouette in the head at 300 yards, he issued a public apology.

If you have never seen or used a Shepherd they are great scopes once you understand them. I have them also on a .223 and .308 Remington LTRs and have shot some very small groups out to 800 yards with these guns.


If you can not deal with reality, reality will deal with you....