I do know at least 3 that use these loads in their Mark V's, have done for a while now. One of which is a very experienced handloader, the others also know their stuff!

Oh I am sure they are! We all know our stuff!

You might also want to look into how pressures are measured? Your program might say that but is that the actual pressure?

I ran it default but I'll be my bottom buck it's within a couple 1000 psi or so.
If they want to play at near 80K psi have it it. I could care less.

Why have they fired hundreds of rounds between em & nothing? Luck? Mark V strength? Or just a thorough knowledge of ballistics?

Just load the 6 round cylinder with one round and spin it, see, it didn't get you. Do it again and keep doing it.
The more you do it the more Knowledgeable experience you have.

Study some more!

Oh I have alright and I'll do my best to stay at under 65k.