Another problem in idaho is ppl posting public land as private.
It took me a year to get to the bottom of what was what as far as public land.
If you went by the posted signs you would think that there is no public land from boise to canada.
On the 4wheeler statement -yes they piss me off to no end -you can be hunting and 4-wheeler punks will see where you are headed and ride over and check it out before you can walk there-mighty nice of them !!!
Many places within 100 miles of boise are -well i can't think of a word for it -guys roll up with their z-71 with mag wheels -unload their 750 POlaris wildcat 4x4 wheeler then go "hunting" with their weatherby 300 MAG ballistictip nighmare bullets w/ tasco super duper 8x32-56 scope.Just ride around all day long disturbing everybody they can.
Colorado's front range would be much worse because there are droves more ppl.
From the time you get to colorado springs all the way to cheyenne ,wy it is nearly none stop subdivisions =not for me although you would stand a better chance for a job.

If i were in michigan and had family there -i would consider some place as far west as western iowa/missouri or eastern kansas/nebraska.Plenty of deer hunting -woods -job opportunities
and a days drive to the west if you draw a tag.
What i thought "out west" would be -is gone .

If you could fly over the midwest -southeast south central and count the number of game animals with infrared there would be hundreds of times more animals than what i have seen in idaho.
If you are retired with a good income you could find a place in one of these states -but i'm not nearly ready for retirement and have to be around ppl to make a living.
Also many roads are closed throughout the winter months so any thoughts of hunting many of the wild spces will take a snow machine to get to or hours of walking.

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.