Hartmut - Thanks for the reply.

I re-checked the "X" vs the "TSX" bullet and I agree with your correction, QuickLOAD has those represented fairly - my mistake.

But I am frightened by the published Barnes data! If the TSX/TTSX bullet models in QuickLOAD are reasonable and the Accurate powder model is OK - then the Barnes Load manual #4 is publishing data that is way beyond safe!!!! (therefore so are my handloads!)i.e.

From Barnes Manual #4 -
.338 Fed Max loads
160gr TTSX - 53.0 gr AA2230 - QuickLOAD PSI = 88,336!!!!
210gr TSX BT - 46.0 gr AA2230 - QuickLOAD PSI = 74,808!!!!

Back to the bench - scared!

"Do you want it "Right", or "Right now"? - always a good question.