Oh, ok then, Story time. My mate (Kev) and I went out one nite. We had a few drinks so Kev asked if he could stay over,yeah mate no worries! You can sleep on the couch in my room, yep algood kev replies. Now my dog Esky is a pure blue cattle dog,a true one man dog. Very very clever,doesn't like her routine getting inter-rupted. I couldnt even sneak girls home at nite cause she would bail them up at the front gate. Even when I locked her outside she would paw at the door and start crying. So if I let her in side she would do a big grrrr and I would have to call a taxi for the girl.
Anyway we are both asleep Im in my bed with me dog poor Kev on the couch, the dog hears a noise out side,she starts to howl like a wild dingo. The dog bolts outside,meanwhile poor Kev screams and says"f***! I will just climb down now off the ceiling! If that dog only just barked like a normal dog it would of been ok! Now I have to change me pants. Dog walks in like nothing has happened,poor Kev just laid there shaking for half a hour.
Not sure if you guys have heard a dingo go off before. Just picture a wolf howling aggressively. Dam that was funny.
Rest in piece Esky!
Thanks guys!!!

Last edited by Ant264; 11/30/09. Reason: spelling error

Our F1-11 gets retired this week. What a shame.