Just got back from the range, I'd had the 338/06 and the ammo out in the garage (uninsulated) for the last 2 days.

It's been down in the 18-20 below range each morn I think, it's too darn cold to recall for sure or not.

To my point shot my load over the clock today and once again it ran @ 2855 fps. If you recall during Oct this load (same batch same can powder etc) ran @ 2910-2911 kind of range.

Bottom line, I know this is a small test but it would appear that it is fairly temp sensitive. The temp changed from almost 70 to anywhere from 6-20 below and yet it only lost 55-60 fps.

Not too bad I'd allow.

And on a side note, I ran some rounds thru my Mashburn, same deal as the other rifle. Same bullets, powder can, etc and in this rifle it didn't lose any speed. 7828 was the gas and a 150 NBT. Thought that was kind of interesting....maybe

Later gotta go and thaw out...grin

Ingwe, where were you, Sammers and I waited 4 you to show. Bet you'd of show'd if we'd of said we had the field of dream of rodents, and it was 70 degrees and the brew was coldish...grin


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy