Originally Posted by 358wsm

Thought I'd better put my boots on before I waded into this one...Lol.

The arm chair theorists really hit the key board quickly whe this topic comes up.

Respectfully, hard to believe you weren't trying to be difficult with statements like that. Not exactly a welcome to a friendly discussion among friends -is it? OK -done with it, see you are fairly new and welcome you aboard. Hey for all that don't like rib meat - I threw some of the puny things completely unseasoned on a gas grill figuring I would let the dogs have them. I tried some for the heck of it and was very much surprised at how good the things were. Not enough meat to worry about ruining one or two- just saying don't dismiss them automatically as junk meat. As for shoulder shots, I hated the reaction I got from deer. One in particular sort of upset me - an obvious amount of agony and kicking. Double lungs seem more humane. Had one or two just stand there after being hit rather peacefully slump over dead in a matter of seconds. Am beginning to a bit higher up might be the way to shorten\stop a long run.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius