many vocations are revered in our society, maybe because of their exclusivity. working in the forest industry per man hour worked far exceeds firemen and policemen in injury and death. In our situation forest workers provide the economic force so others can participate in a decent life if so desired. Generally people do not just 'fall into' law enforcement. There must be desire and education knowing full well what the consequences of this vocation entails, but they go anyway. Some for a steady pensioned income and early retirement, some for the excitement that does not come with being an engineer in a cube farm in industry, and don't forget the standing in the community that comes with the trappings of the job. For law enforcement to stand together and to support each other is admirable. Other groups of workers do better when this happens, I think its called 'unionism'. I take nothing away from these people who decide to work in law enforcement, its a tough job with risks, shift work (and the 2 0r 3 marriages), driving hazards, dealing with the margins of society on a daily basis, and knowing if I let my guard down for one instant bad sh*t can and will happen. But , some just love the rush of the hunt, I guess that doesn't need explanation on this forum.