I�ve had it for many years too! Same reasons as everyone else, shooting, heavy machinery, compressors, drilling rigs, etc�and as far as I know there isn�t much you can do about it. However you might be able to control how much it bothers you.

At the risk of getting laughed at, let me share this with you. I suffered with Tic Douloureux (Trigeminal Neuralgia) for many years. The pain was incredible and traumatizing. Medications only helped a little but they were mostly just mind numbing. To combat the pain and still be able to function, I worked at controlling my mind to ignore the pain. For lack of a better name, I called it my Zen thing. I would sit in a quiet dark spot and will my mind to ignore the pain. It took some practice but I was able to achieve moderate success doing that. Surgery at the Mayo Clinic finally alleviated the problem. Praise the Lord.

How this applies to Tinnitus is the same, and works for me. When the ringing in my ears gets to bothering me, I will do the Zen thing and will myself to ignore it. It takes some practice but it really helps if you can achieve it.

Good Luck too you!

My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost....