Where's that Pied Piper when you need him?!
I'm overrun with rats! Rats with two fangs, no less.

troutfly, what's the underwing?

Due 4/30.

1. macrabbit - Aztec Sculpin
2. MissTreated - Stealth Sculpin
3. Sitka deer - something sculpish, perhaps
4. HuntKY - Woolhead Rock-Nocker sculpin
5. troutfly - Silver Rat
6. RedRabbit -
7. AKGrayling - Bug-Eyed Conehead Zuddler
8. skunkedagain - Olive Franken Sculpin (sculpen?)
9. MsKeeto - NearNuff Sculpin
10. ribka - a micro leech
11. Sgt218+217 - sumpin' simple (young beginner)
12. castandblast - a down-right bull-headed sculpin from a non-award winning talent, for Grandad's open fish mouth smile

Last edited by macrabbit; 04/16/10. Reason: light change