Throw 'em in anyway- you might bonk a silty fish on the head and get a vengeful strike.

1. macrabbit - Aztec Sculpin
2. MissTreated - Stealth Sculpin
3. Sitka deer - Woolhead Polar Spuddler
4. HuntKY - Woolhead Rock-Nocker sculpin
5. troutfly - Silver Rat
6. RedRabbit - Mearns Hopper
7. AKGrayling - Olive Sex Dungeon
8. skunkedagain - Olive Franken Sculpin
9. MsKeeto - Nerenuf Sculpine
10. ribka - Baby Daddy Leech
11. Sgt218+217 - Safety Vest Woolly Worm
12. castandblast - Cottus Interruptus