
Sorry for the delayed response...been fishing.

What is my reaction to your paper analysis of my backyard.

Horse Pucky!

The basis for over winter goals in this DMU is pseudoscience and probably not as accurate as the pellet group counts of of the old days. Just as the WDNR can not count Bears or Wolves in this state, they can not count deer.

There was a signifcant harvest drop in this Herd Control DMU and the WDNR answer to it is to issue unlimited anterless deer harvest permits for $2.00 each. Well some of us have refused to participate in this nonsense.

Since I first posted this thread the landowners pledged to this public action has grown to 4800 acres +.

Once again thank you for the internet analysis of my backyard.

Last edited by roundoak; 06/13/10.

You're Welcome At My Fire Anytime