Originally Posted by JMR40
I've had experiences with several of the B&C stocks. I'm not at all impressed. Getting one that actually fits is hit or miss. Based on my experiences the stock on your rifle is every bit as good as the B&C.

I cut one apart on a bandsaw a few months ago to see how they are made. Instead of using sheets of fiberglass cloth laminated together like the better stocks, B&C uses chopped up fiberglass (much like attic insulation) that is simply mixed in with the plastic before being poured into a mold. While they look good enough on the outside they are full of air pockets on the inside to reduce weight, and weaken the stock. It literally looks like a sponge on the inside.

The better stocks have the action area and barrel channel machined for a good fit. B&C pours theirs into a mold and hopes they fit properly. Two out of the three I've worked with did not.

Why not post the pictures?
