Originally Posted by elkhunter76
You obviously know nothing of my profession.... let it go Art....let it goooooooooooooooooo!

Very lame posturing attempt at claiming/building respectability for an argument you cannot win. You clearly have no defense for your acts or you could argue them on their face.

1) Grinding bacteria INSIDE a product to be dried is stupid.

2) Cooking same to kill bacteria produces a garbage product, period.

3) Making good product by slicing is easy, skewing risk:reward ratio totally.

4) You are willing to risk it... I am not.

My argument has not changed and anyone thinking their ground product is good has either not cooked it as required to ensure the potentially lethal bacteria are dead, or has no clue what decent jerky is about. Your call.

I have no clue what your profession is, but thinking is clearly not in demand in it.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.