Art you are such an arrogant ass, who do you think you are telling other people waht to do. Please try to comprehend what you read. You might want to start all over at the beginning. As far as arguing you sure have not stopped have you. You have voiced your OPINION. That is all it is ....your OPINION. You have presented no facts nor have you backed your OPINION up with any technical data. What is inferior to you must be inferior to all? Art you are inferior. My comment about you knowing nothing about me has to do with your innate sense of self serving superiority complex that you seem to need to need to lord over others. In all posts I have read of yours, you have to be right. WIth this I am done. Adios you go off to join Maser, JasonB/RVX on ignore. The only 3 in that auspicious club I might add.

Liberalism is a mental disorder that leads to social disease.