I have had to document close to 3,000 days at sea for the USCG in situations far more dangerous than walking across the street. I commercial longlined halibut in 24' seas once, on a 32' boat. Many here have been with me in heavy seas. It is about appropriate risk and balancing the potential consequences.

Rick Bin, Muley Stalker, and I stalked and killed a Kodiak brown bear at about 24 yards. Gr8ful Doug's buddy from TN was with me last month at closer than that to another Kodiak bear. Many here have been with me around bears. I know how bears act and I only take very reasonable risks. Hard to take good pictures of bears when they are too far away.

I am obviously afraid of my own shadow, no?

There is zero upside to making ground jerky, it is not a better product by any meter. E coli has killed many. It is more than possible your jerky has "inoculated" someone withot dire consequence. Next time???

Paraphrasing your "You obviously know nothing of my profession...." to "Right because I am somebody" is certainly not to be taken as me confusing you with somebody... Only that your condescending arrogance is not having the desired effect.

Anyone that has made jerky from ground meat and actually followed the USDA guidelines has had a miserable product. If your product is good the guidelines were not followed. It is a Catch-22 and you cannot get around it.

I certainly hope you do not poison your family and/or friends just because you are too proud to recognize you have been lucky.

Please show me something I have posted which was incorrect.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.