
I never said I want what you had posted earlier. I am saying we need someone with strong conservative values with the ability to still be able to draw votes from the left. That might come from a sorta moderate right. However we can agree we don't want him/her too close to the middle.

Palin is too far right and we all know too far to one side is never good.

Example, take a look at Gov Jan Brewer here in AZ. She pi$$ed off the whole world with SB1070, she pi$$ed off a lot here in AZ with a 1 cent tax hike to help balance the books, she has cut a ton of programs and made a lot of enemies, yet she still managed to slaughter Terry Goddard in the Gov race.
That is the type of person we need for President. I don't think she has enough experience or know how to be president, but someone like her that can pi$$ off so many people while doing the right thing and still getting elected is what we need from the GOP to get rid of the current admin that is ruining this country.

Thats the type we need not a "Clinton or Bush look-a-like in a blue suit and red tie that is capable of mouthing every "God and Country" platitude that one could imagine" that you think I want or any other person on here wants. I'm just saying what I think we need besides Palin. I hope my example using our Gov here in AZ clarifies what I meant.

Enrique O. Ramirez

" is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see.." Hebrews 11:1