I'm going to guess he's not going to be interested in tigoat's new "pack" since it doesn't have a bag, much less pockets. He could spray paint it camo though.

Just so we don't have to see Smokepole's top pocket again, I'll tell you how it works for me and easily I might add.

Stuff I really might want to get to such as rangefinder, camera and GPS go in the HPG chest pouch, formerly in a Kifaru Possibles Pouch. Stuff that I might want to get to, but with the pack off, goes in the top pocket. This includes snacks and latrine duty stuff. Rain gear rides in side pockets if I'm really loaded up (e.g. have the kids with me). Layers can get put in the Grab It as necessary. Everything else is in stuff sacks inside as I won't need it until camp. WTF do I need MORE pockets for?