Originally Posted by rattler
Originally Posted by jim62
Basically, it is seasoned,finely chopped Hog scraps-Snout, guts trimmings, floor sweepings - you name it.

Otherwise known as "Philadelphia Scrapple"..

It' mostly an eastern thing for Folks who cannot afford decent Sausage meat. grin

If "Soilent Green" were real, it would probably taste like Scrapple. wink

so basically like the old style sausage......cool will have to try it if i run across it.....

There is another component to it- cornmeal and or buckwheat flour etc. it's sort of an Amish thing.

It gives it sort of a gritty texture and makes the seasoning a bit funky. It's also very salty. Crispy fried in a thin patty smothered with Heinz ketchup- it does not suck.

My father loves the stuff and when we were kids, he and us boys used to blow through about a brick of the stuff at breakfast on a cold morning. We used to gross out my sister. We had her believing that gritty texture was the ground up Hog bones...

All those little piggies thrown whole into the meat grinder...

Squeeling. grin

Last edited by jim62; 03/28/11.

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"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.."- Teddy Roosevelt