i think what gets me about abortion is (and I've been thinking alot) my wife and i lost our first child about 2 months into the pregnacy, never before has something impacted my life like this. I lost a piece of my life that day and for someone to say it wasn't really a life or it didn't have a soul has some sort of major mental defect, you can't tell me when they show that first image on that little Black and white you don't feel something and if you don't you are no better than the Charles Mansons of this world. Now I know many women have made big mistakes we all have but to support the evil that is abortion is just sick I don't care how the baby got there it is still a life it has a soul. i guess on an up side that little soul never as to suffer in this world and no the trials and tribulation that we all deal with but life is a gift from God and who are we to stop it in it's pure innocense

�The constitution of the United States asserts that all power is inherent in the people, that they may exercise it by themselves, that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed!� � Thomas Jefferson