Originally Posted by WyoCowboy
i think what gets me about abortion is (and I've been thinking alot) my wife and i lost our first child about 2 months into the pregnacy, never before has something impacted my life like this. I lost a piece of my life that day and for someone to say it wasn't really a life or it didn't have a soul has some sort of major mental defect, you can't tell me when they show that first image on that little Black and white you don't feel something and if you don't you are no better than the Charles Mansons of this world. Now I know many women have made big mistakes we all have but to support the evil that is abortion is just sick I don't care how the baby got there it is still a life it has a soul. i guess on an up side that little soul never as to suffer in this world and no the trials and tribulation that we all deal with but life is a gift from God and who are we to stop it in it's pure innocense

You're wrong on that point, good Sir.
It's a spiritual defect. Everything begins in the realm of the spirit, including life itself. From there it enters the realm of the physical.
That people support a woman's "right" to make decisions pertaining to "her body" while bluntly and willfully disregarding the rights of the child inside her body is easily the biggest testament to a spiritual defect I can imagine.
"you will know them by their works."

Anyone with any sense whatsoever automatically deduces the woman forfeited a portion of the right over her own body when she chose to create a second life inside of it. At the moment of conception her body became the life support system of an additional life, one that is not her own. To call it a "decision over her own body" exposes utter moral depravity and a completely dysfunctional moral compass. Such disregard for human life sounds like something strait out of the koran.

Originally Posted by bender
To deny that the baby IS human, was ALWAYS human,can ONLY be human and is alive, is just foolish.

It's much worse than foolish.
It's evil.

Evil is defined as something which causes chaos and/or calamity. Could there be a bigger calamity in life than death?


"When is penguin season, daddy? I wanna go kill a penguin!"
---- 4 yr old Archerhuntress