The problem is in the "accepted" premise that we have no right to tell a woman what to do with her own body. The problem is, though the child is IN her body, it is NOT her body. The genetic makeup is different. Should be pretty simple to understand. Truth is, you CAN'T do anything you want with your own body. Suicide, for example, is illegal. Why? What power authorizes the government to say you are, or are not allowed to take your own life? The tactic of incrementally changing the language of an argument until the premise is twisted is prevelent in the left, particularly. Basically lying. Changing "baby" to "fetus" (even using the medical term/spelling foetus to further dehumanize) puts some distance between a small human and the adult making the decision. To deny that the baby IS human, was ALWAYS human,can ONLY be human and is alive, is just foolish. The small human was alive when you started, dead when you ended, and you did it. Killing human beings is murder. The left has even gone to the length of determining the legal definition of when life begins. To my mind, this is akin to determining that, under certain circumstances, the number 2 is to be interpreted as 3, under the law. Absurd.