<br>I had appreciated the way you handled the debate on the long range thread and had given you some credit for it. I knew you were right, you knew you were right and you played the cards you were dealt in a very deliberate, mature manner.
<br>However, when confronted with a simple truth, where you could expand your knowledge base, maybe look at how you look to others and improve, this answer is the best you could come up with?
<br>I don't care how folks look at you for you, but rather on how you reflect on me and mine doing what I live to do. We are unfortunately stuck with you for spokesman everytime you open your mouth in public, or type a public reply.
<br>You, Sir, are an ass.
<br>best to you,

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.