Originally Posted by oruacat2
Cain could've stopped this entire story dead in its tracks had he simply answered "we at the NRA fired a woman for making false accusations of sexual harassment during my time as President" when this story first broke. But he didn't - because he didn't know exactly who was doing the accusing - he had to wait and see WHICH accuser was coming forward, because he knew there was more than one incident perhaps?

Like I said, this woman might be lying, opportunistic scum - but thed fact that there are more than just her pointing fingers gives her cover. When those women who got financial settlements come forward and are released from their confidentiality agreements - that's when we'll know whether or not Herman Cain is full of [bleep].

First, that would be a lie. She wasn't working for the NRA when she was fired for the false accusation of sexual harrassment. That happened prior to her account of her encounter with Cain.

Secondly, the other women were given a settlement from the NRA long after Cain was no longer working there. This is why Cain had no idea about the details or agreement between the NRA and these women. Their claims came after he left.

Third, the women WERE released from their confidentiality agreements by the NRA. They do not wish to speak about the matter.

And finally, Cain has not once contradicted himself. Take his comments in a linear chronological context and there is no condradictions.

Funny though how you like to skew the facts to paint the image of the man the way you wish he was. Have you considered a carreer in the media? You've got the skills! grin

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.