Outside of a Gander Mountain I've never seen a new kimber in stock in a gunstore in the 4 states I travel thru pretty regular.

Of course if I wanted one I could drive to the enarest gun store and pay the $75 transfer fee for an order if I ordered it myself or if the ordered it for me I would pay full MSRP on any order.

So maybe I pass on that and go to the next gunstore that will order anything and everything you want - as long as you want to pull full MSRP on it.

Of course he will do a transfer as well. For 10% of the cost of the gun. Sounds like a bargain right? Of course maybe I say screw it and decide to just pay the 10% because I really want it - nothing beats having someone order something for you that cost a grand or more and then listen to them tell you how big of an idiot you are when you could buy XX at a fraction of the cost or what you really need is YY which is nothing like what you wanted. That right there in a nutshell is why people rather just order it off the phone or internet and pay a transfer fee. Of course that assumes he will even order it or tell you "They don't make it" even when you have a stock number and have a distributors name who has one in stock etc...I've been down that road multiple times at multiple shops. Trust me people get tired of it and they don't have to put up with it any longer. If you have a great local store - great - go buy everything they have.

There's a reason mom and pop gunstores are going under left and right. It's call capitalism. You better do it better and cheaper or you won't be around much longer. The internet changed all that, adapt or go under. Sorry if that's harsh but that's what every business has to deal with. My business deals with it everyday and I don't have federal regualtions that help prop me up either. If my customers start buying stuff out of state because it's cheaper/and or better I better figure out why in a hurry.

It's called capitalism.

Last edited by NathanL; 11/23/11.

Otto is my co-pilot.