Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
...he said he served in the 8th Air Force in Britain in WWII. I mentioned it was my understanding that my grandfather was also in Britain with the 8th Air Force during that time. The gentleman didn't recall my grandfather by name, but did say they had a lot of "Pennsyltuckians" over there.

I just had the honor and priviledge of interviewing a gentleman that was a tail gunner who flew 35 missions with the 8th Air Force.

Instead of a typical back and forth Q&A interview, I just led with "Harry, tell me a little bit about what you did back then." And that was pretty much all I said for the next hour. He just wanted to talk, and tell his story, on his own. His wife, daughter-in-law, and grandson were there as well. We all just sat and listened. What a fantastic experience...