how many guys even change rifles for different conditions
the group of guys I hunt with has been very successful basically hunting drainage's as a team effort, one or two guys stationed in likely escape routes and one or two guys still hunting drainage's which effectively makes them move game around.
I know I change rifles depending on what ILL be doing! if IM likely to get longer range shots, sitting watching escape routes I generally use my 340 wby with its 3.5x10X scope and its bi-pod but that rifles far from ideal sneaking thru the aspen or dark timber so I generally swap to the 375 H&H sako above or to my 35 whelen slide action, like I said depends on the terrain and if I intend to be moving and jump shooting and still hunting where ranges tend to be under 150 yards or blocking escape routes, where i might be looking across a canyon at the far slope and need the ability to reach out to 300 yards or longer yardage.
both conditions basically require a different rifle to match conditions, and while I could and have used both types of rifles under less than what might be considered their ideal applications , I feel that each rifle has advantages best used under conditions it functions best at, the 340 is excellent when you can basically play sniper but its not as handy as the whelen slide action or sako carbine sneaking thru tight cover.

heres some actual pictures of the canyons I generally hunt
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Last edited by 340mag; 01/29/12.