Originally Posted by logcutter
Not everyone has had the good things happen as you have so don't try and sweep the others under the rug.

Obviously your outlook is glaringly skewed and explains your shortcomings if you believe "good things happen". You shape your own destiny and create your own luck.

Everything my wife and I have, we obtained through hard work and sacrifice.

Opportunities abound in this country. You just have to seize them and work for them. Unfortunately most born and raised in the USA for the past couple generations are LAZY and are petrified of hard work. Expect it to be given to them, or be paid for simply clocking-in and taking up space.

My wife was born and raised in the deep interior of Mexico. Her family was dirt poor. Literally. The floor of their home was DIRT.

She applied herself academically. Immigrated to this country (legally), and the two of us have worked our asses off to obtain the American Dream. No one gave us handouts.

Originally Posted by logcutter
Even with insurance a rare disease or procedure not covered under your policy can break the farm..It is on the news daily.

In other words...Don't count your chickens until there hatched!

So what am I suppose to do? Go around fretting and wringing my hands? Hope and pray the government will take care of my families medical bills?? Naw... I'll continue doing what I've been doing.

From what I gather reading between the lines, unlike you, I've prepared. Being self-employed, I have to pay my insurance premium out of pocket, and I assure you it's not cheap. But it's budgeted and prepared for long before "discretionary" expenses like entertainment, vacations, and gadgets.

And God forbid a severe medical condition/situation occurs and my insurance either doesn't cover or is canceled.... we've prepared for that too as best we can. We've prepared and set aside a future for our children as well.

And unlike you, if a catastrophic disaster were to occur to my family that wipes out all of our assets, income, belongings (unlikely, but never 100% certain), we'll survive, and still have a positive "can do" attitude without looking towards the government to provide for our needs.

My wife and I have been dirt poor before. We know the value of hard work and that there's opportunities for those that want them. We refuse to fall into that "victim" mentality.