Originally Posted by BullShooter
Originally Posted by dogzapper
... The wranglers went to my friend, who was the sales manager for one of Clay's sponsoring companies and asked, "What do we do with this crazy sonofabitch?"

They eventually killed the wounded, packed up Mr. Harvey and sent him back to the Land of Palmentos. ...

Getting more education from dogzapper:

When I first read the post with the above quote, I assumed DZ had made made an oopsie, intending to use "Palmetto" in referring to South Carolina ("The Palmetto State"), where Mr. Harvey lived.

However, knowing Steve to be a clever person, I made an internet inquiry about "Palmento". Now I'm not sure it was an error.

"Palmento" appears to be a Sicilian name for a place where wine is made in the old way, with big rocks to press the grapes, etc.
[Linked Image]
"Palmento" is the name of a recent book about an American discovering the wines of Sicily. It may well be on Jon Sundra's bookshelf:
[Linked Image]
A brief interesting video about the book is on youtube: PALMENTO Book Trailer[/color]



Indeed, you are a friend. A friend who gave me the benefit of the doubt. Let me extend my totally heartfelt thanks for that.

Friendship, civility and downright courtesy are so rare in this world. You are a GENTLEMAN, Sit!

The truth is ...... it was absolutely a Steve-oopsie grin

I'm on some meds, strong meds, that knock me sideways. An errant-N and missin'-T are the LEAST of my side-effects.

Actually, I'm kinda glad the meds did that to me; otherwise you would not have discovered "palmento." We are all much wiser now; or at least, we now know something that we didn't before.

Aren't Google and the zillions of Internet search engines a miracle? It is absolutely amazing the wealth of information that is out there.

My friend, NEVER think of me as being particularly wise or clever. I'm just a guy, like the rest of you, who loves to hunt and shoot and visit with folks who enjoy doing the same. Nothing more, nothing less.

Palme[color:#660000]nto .... don't that beat all? gringringrin



PS. Again, THANK YOU once again for proving to us all that there ARE Good Guys out there.

"God Loves Each Of Us As If There Were Only One Of Us"
Saint Augustine of Hippo - AD 397