The easiest method I've ever seen....My dad and I were on a back country road when we came to a washed out bridge. There was a parked front loader there that had been working on the bridge. There was also a pickup parked there with a whole, very large elk in the back. We got talking to the guy in the pickup. The day before, he'd waded the creek at the bridge, hiked close to 5 miles up the road behind it, and shot the elk in the middle of the road. Then he realized he couldn't get his pickup beyond the bridge. He hiked back to the bridge and found that the loader driver had showed up for work. He gave the driver a bottle of good whiskey he had with him, then they drove the loader up the road. They just picked up the elk in the bucket, drove back to the bridge, crossed the creek, and dumped the whole elk in the pickup. Nice!!

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.