Froom the London Telegraph:

"Boris Johnson, the current mayor of London, wrote a column for the Telegraph yesterday titled, "Here's 20 jolly good reasons to feel cheerful about the Games." The column is a standard listicle, written with a "rah-rah" attitude and plenty of "London is the best!" sentiment.

Things get interesting when Johnson gets to number 19 on his list, though, which reads:

As I write these words there are semi-naked women playing beach volleyball in the middle of the Horse Guards Parade immortalised by Canaletto. They are glistening like wet otters and the water is plashing off the brims of the spectators' sou'westers. The whole thing is magnificent and bonkers."

Semi-naked women! Art history references! Wet otters! Some people can paint wonderful pictures with their words. Boris Johnson can use his to make you feel weird and unsettled."

laissez les bons temps rouler