Thanks everyone, and yes, the figures are correct, my arrows are the very stiff Easton AXIS 300's with the HIT tip and 125 grain G5 Magnum weigh exactly 489 grains. I fired 5 arrows through the chrono yesterday for an average of 311 fps.

The bow does have somewhat of a built in overdraw as the broadhead tips at full draw are at the rear of my left hand knuckles.

I remember the bow-shop done something to the bow when I first got it to get it as close as they could to a 31" draw.

I do know this combo flies through deer like a hot knife through butter, and I am happy with performance, just thought there may be some new tech out there being this set-up is 6 years old now.


You guys think the Turbo Cam and extra draw length could be responsible for the bit of extra speed?

Trump Won!