"With your keen interest you'd be well served to do more formal study, because frankly, not that many folks on a general message board are going to be that deep into the subject."

This forum was a place to start. I thought that there might be a few engineers who are familiar with the subject and could answer my question.

Steel catalogs and web sites probably do research on what I am trying to find out, but I have never read anything in one of their catalogs about it, except for the remark I made about 440C and how it has been refined to make very sharp surgical instruments.

Look, I did not ask this question to get into a mud fight with Cranky, but it seems to be unavoidable, given his temperament. As far as being an idiot, any time he wants to compare IQs, I can do that.

Maybe we can let Mensa determine who would be the winner. I will submit my membership number, if he will submit his, if he has one.