Here is how a normal stop starts once vehicle is stopped I will take a few seconds to watch the occupants. Then I will walk up the side of the vehicle I feel safest on, taking care to touch the trunk lid of cars to.make sure they are closed. Standing quartered towards the vehicle in line with the B post I will start dialogue. Me: good morning,(evening,afternoon). I am Officer, (my name) with (My Dept). Do you know why I stopped you?. I'll wait for your answer, then I will ask for license, registration, and insurance. Then I will usually make some dialogue by asking how you're doing, or where you're heading. Then let you set the tone of how the rest of the encounter will transpire.

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell