Jamie, every single post that you have made on this topic so far has contained sneering references to other posters here and those among us who own/use Kifaru gear. You called Kevin "hulk", you implied that we Kifaru users were monkeys and never actually used our packs and you mocked Ed's name. In addition to this, you slagged Patrick from the first post and stated that your opinions were based on statements made by some un-named clerks in an un-named mountain store who outfit Himalayan climbers; this is all the sort of thing that makes we regulars here kinda suspicious and kinda pissed off, we have seen it before, from phonies.

Now, you may be one hell of a mountain man, but, so far, you sure don't impress very many people here with your rhetoric or your comments about equipment. IF, again, IF, you had such a serious problem with Kifaru, WHY did you not talk to Patrick himself, the guy is legendary for his devotion to making his customers satisfied OR refunding their money, seems a simple thing to me.

I am almost 60 years old, I ws born in the small mountain town of Nelson, B.C. and spent the greater part of my life working alone in the mountains and isolated wilderness parts of B.C., Alberta, the NorthWest Territories and have visited the Yukon and Alaska. My wife was an outpost nurse in the Yukon and the NWT, my hunting/backpacking partner has climbed in the Hindu Kush, the Alps and here in Canada, he has hunted all over the World, even in Asia. I have worked in the largest mountain equipment outlet in Canada and now have been hiking for a solid 50 years.

So, I have the background, education, training and field experience to know whereof I speak and I find your posts less than believable and your comments rather infantile. If, you don't like this, mend your manners and you might make friends here. I would point out that EdT, in particular, is one of the most knowledgable posters on equipment that I have seen on this or any forum, he is not a poser, neither is Kevin and neither am I.

I would be willing to bet that you are under 30, have had relatively little REAL isolated wilderness life experience and tend to be a bit of a social misfit; the type of posts that you have been making are symptomatic of that personality type which is all too common on these forums. Simply put, you are NOT accomplishing anything here, except to make yourself look like a damned fool.

My name is Dewey Riesterer and I reside in Vancouver, B.C. The phone is unlisted due to my wife's profession, but, anything that you might wish to say on the phone is just as well said here.....this is a good place and we are good people, so, maybe cool out and make your points a bit less aggressively?