Originally Posted by DINK
Someone post a story about a cops being bad and it's the gospel.

Someone posts a story about someone in the hunting industry it's all speculation...




Just forget about the members of the 24 hour campfire junior varsity team even considering the possibility that one of their beloved coaches may have been parking his Corvette in the wrong garage. They won't hear of it.

Lord knows no fine upstanding gentleman ever got himself in a jam over a woman. Just ask Gen. David Petraeus. That disposes with the "he was a fine guy so there's no way he was diddling" BS.

This is a high profile case and will be discussed and speculated about at length, particularly in this part of the country, much to the disapproval of the 24 hr. campfire JV team.

"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys"........P.J. O'Rourke