Originally Posted by dogcatcher223
Let's hope the new owners see the need for some new machinery. Otherwise lead times are going to keep inching up until they are a year out.

The only other way to slow lead times is by raising prices to decrease demand, or to get a bad rep which also decreases demand.

New machinery to solve some back log issues should sweeten the Pro Forma, which is what a prospective buyer looks at.

I'm sure it made dollars and sense to add a CNC machine. Buyers look at production, the cost of sales and how the bottom line is impacted. A CNC machine can be cost prorated over time, creates depreciation and boosts output. Expensive tooling may have been something McM couldn't have or wouldn't have done without a take out on the table. Major investments are a positive sign that a serious owner intends to make a return on investment.

Hopefully, this deal will be a tripple win for buyer, seller and us.

Hopefully... smile