Porky's!! I have been lucky with that.. But skunks are another matter!!
We were out again this A.M. Bumped a huge flock of sage grouse.. They are pretty wise.. There must have been 30-40 birds in that group.. As we were entering the pasture, I was opening the gate, and my young golden wanted out.. She always wants out.. She ran right into the edge of the sage, and put up three grouse.. What luck.. We finally made a big circle around the area where the big flock busted us, and came in from another direction.. The wind was coming over my left shoulder when the pup made a hard left into the wind and put up 6-8 grouse.. Lucky I got two with the old 870 and WW 5's.. It was a beautiful sight to see her catch the scent, know what it was, and put up the birds.. She also made one of her better retrieves.. Good morning..

Molon Labe