Originally Posted by jimy
Some thing some of you don't quite have a handle on is the fact the jobs these people need do not exist any longer.

Some of say , move, to where? with what? Just how do you sell your home when the economy in that area is dead? Who wants it?

Who takes care of your elderly parents? The state? The church? Or maybe their elderly neighbors?

Some of you would rather bitch and whine about others than to be thankful for what you have.

When I was "downsized" in the fall of 2008, I did what was needed. I moved 500 miles away and had to essentially commute for 6 months until my family could join me. While at that job I kept looking for a better one. After 18 months I found a job back in our old area, better than the one I lost. It takes some perseverance and maybe even a bit of hardship but I never collected a dime of unemployment money. It most certainly can be done.