Jimy, where would you draw the line?
Would you not agree that there has to be a limit?

There are fun jobs out there - I was once paid to be a squirt bottle operator/judge at a wet tee shirt contest. That's livin large!

I went from managing an engineering department to being a shift worker dealing with instrumentation and controls in a refinery when my job disappeared. I have worked the last 6 Christmas and New Years. Right thru the teen years of my last son at home.
Had to find a job 40 miles away from my last one, but I did it.
26 weeks is a generous period to allow a serious job hunter to scope out the local area. Do that for the 1st 6 weeks or so and then pack your bags and have the remaining 20 as a cushion.

Have a good day man. In honor of personal freedom and the open squirrel season, I think I'll go put a hole through dinner's head.